Tiếng Việt Hiện Đại. Modern Vietnamese for Foreigners 2
Van Giuong P.Bạn thích cuốn sách này tới mức nào?
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Asian Languages Project, 1990. — 180 с.Phan Van Giuong is professor in Vietnamese studies and served as the Convenor of the Vietnamese Language and Culture program at Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia for over 18 years. He has taught Vietnamese and English since 1965. He was the founder Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Culture Studies at Hoa Sen University. He was the general coordinator at Victorian School of Languages and also the chair of setting and marking examination papers for Victoria Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria Department of Education for many years. Professor Phan is the author of many textbooks: Vietnamese for Beginners (1-4), Functional Vietnamese, Modern Vietnamese (1-4), Vietnamese for Foreign Travellers, Vietnamese Interactive Books and a series of Pocket, Concise and Compact Vietnamese-English dictionaries (Tuttle Publishing). He was the editor of several Vietnamese literature magazines and newspapers and awarded the Order of Australia Medal and the International Educator of the Year award for his outstanding contributions to the teaching of Vietnamese language and culture. Professor Phan is now working for the International Baccalaureate, United Kingdom.
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