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Vietnamese Stories for Language Learners
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Vietnamese Stories for Language Learners—a language learning experience for beginner to intermediate students of the Vietnamese language.
Nothing introduces students and cultural enthusiasts to a language and people better than stories. Intended for Vietnamese language students or heritage learners, the stories in this volume present the everyday vocabulary and grammar in use in Vietnam today. Forty folk stories have been edited and simplified for learning purposes and are presented in parallel Vietnamese and English versions to facilitate language learning.
These delightful Vietnamese folktales immediately animate the culture, offering readers a glimpse of the social, cultural and religious aspects of Vietnamese society in bygone eras. The English translations allow readers who are not yet studying the language to experience the wisdom and humor in these traditional, well-loved stories. Discussion questions, vocabulary and cultural notes are provided at the
Nothing introduces students and cultural enthusiasts to a language and people better than stories. Intended for Vietnamese language students or heritage learners, the stories in this volume present the everyday vocabulary and grammar in use in Vietnam today. Forty folk stories have been edited and simplified for learning purposes and are presented in parallel Vietnamese and English versions to facilitate language learning.
These delightful Vietnamese folktales immediately animate the culture, offering readers a glimpse of the social, cultural and religious aspects of Vietnamese society in bygone eras. The English translations allow readers who are not yet studying the language to experience the wisdom and humor in these traditional, well-loved stories. Discussion questions, vocabulary and cultural notes are provided at the
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Nhà xuát bản:
Tuttle Publishing
Ngôn ngữ:
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
EPUB, 44.47 MB
Các thể loại của bạn:
CID , CID Blake2b
vietnamese, 2017
Tải vè (epub, 44.47 MB)
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